what on earth is IoT aka Internet Of Things

Imagine a world where every object will be performing optimal & human-like actions. In the night, if you are standing alone at a bus-stop, the bulbs at the bus-stop will light up mildly, but as more people will join you, the bulbs will fully lighten up. While returning home, your refrigerator sends you a text on your phone reminding you of the sausage that you need to buy today. While at dinner, your plate will play mild music for you and will alert you if you try to eat more than normal. This and much more will possible with IoTs :) 

The Internet of things (IoT); also called "connected devices" and "smart devices" by some; is the internetworking of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, appliances, and other items - embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, network connectivity - that enable these objects to perform meaningful; business or personal; tasks for you.

In simple language:
When you convert any given Object into a Smart Object it is called IoT.

What do we mean by Smart Object?
Any given object that can - connect, monitor, manage, control, search - all without human intervention can be called Smart. And, we; humans; will have the ability to remotely control this object.

How do you turn an object into a smart object?
We can do that by giving that object a unique identity, the ability to communicate, applying sensors so it collect data from it's surroundings.

********** Examples **********

Soon every piece of an entire fleet of Virgin Atlantic's aircrafts will be made an IoT.
So, the parts of the plane will report mechanical problems before they would turn into failures.

This Smart Ring keeps you connected with who and what matter most.
Calls, texts, email and social networking in style.

Baby Smart Monitoring system sends you regular updates to your phone about your baby’s body position, breathing level, body temperature, response to activities, health, etc.

Amazon's Echo micro-listens to your voice in your home and does as instructed (like music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic and other real time information).


The word IoT was coined by Kevin Ashton back in 1999.

Following are some good reads on IoT. Click these links to read them:

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