Lessons from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean

In the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

************ Story 1 ************

In jail the infamous Pirate Jack Sparrow [played by Johnny Depp] sees a ship from jail's window & screams:
"I know those cannons. It's the Black Pearl."

A fellow prisoner says:
"The Black Pearl? I've heard stories. She's been preying on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never leaves any survivors."
Jack Sparrow wittingly replies:
"No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?"

************ Story 2 ************

In another scene, an Army Major captures Jack Sparrow and investigating his stuff says:
"No additional shot nor powder, a compass that doesn't point north. And a sword made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

Jack Sparrow again wittingly replies:
"But you HAVE heard of me."

************ Lesson ************

If you DO something, do it so BIG that it definitely gets HEARD of !!!

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