Brain-Teasers Puzzles Riddles (vol 11)

I have a locked box.
It can be opened only with its key; that I possess; and can't be broken.
It has an offer letter for you.
We have 1 delivery boy who is willing to carry only the box but not keys.
I send you the box.
How will you get the letter?

3 co-workers (A, B, C) would like to know average of their salaries.
None of them must come to know the individual salary of any of his co-workers.
Help them.

You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night.
It's raining heavily.
Suddenly you pass by a bus stop.
You see three people waiting for a bus:
An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. 
An old friend who once saved your life. 
The perfect partner you have been dreaming about. 
Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing very well that there could only be one passenger in your car?

A king would handover entire property to 1 of the 2 sons.
Winner will be the one whose horse will reach the destination in last.
Both of them started riding as slow as they could.
Mid-way they saw a saint standing.
Saint asked them to stop for a while.
Both of them stopped.
He told something to them.
After listening to saint's words they did started riding as fast as they could.
What did the saint say?

You have 8 balls.
7 balls weigh equal while 1 ball is slightly heavier than the others.
You have 1 balance and 2 weighing chances.
How will you find the heavier ball?

There are 2 railway tracks on the equator of the earth.
2 identical  trains are running in opposite direction at same speed on these tracks.
Assuming they have unlimited fuel, which train would worn away faster?

Is it possible to send a telegram to Washington today?

What do you put in a toaster?

Say ‘silk’.
Spell the word ‘silk’.
What do cows drink?

If a red house is made from red bricks, pink house made from pink bricks, a blue house is made from blue brick and a black house is made from black bricks, then what is greenhouse made from?

You just finished the 11th set of Brain-Teasers Puzzles/Riddles.
There are 10 more such sets of 10 puzzles each, on this blog.
If you wish to solve them, click on the links below:

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