Ethical preferences of Autonomous Vehicles - MIT Survey results - Moral Machine Experiment

A massive new survey called 'The Moral Machine Experiment (click here to read details)' developed by MIT researchers reveals some distinct global preferences concerning the ethics of autonomous vehicles, as well as some regional variations in those preferences.

Here is the generic summary:


Jack Ma's Words of Wisdom on Product, Competition, Leadership, Priorities, Failure, etc.

"Intelligent people need a fool to lead them.
When the team’s all a bunch of scientists, it is best to have a peasant lead the way.
His way of thinking is different.
It’s easier to win if you have people seeing things from different perspectives."

“Today is hard, tomorrow is harder, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful.”

“If you don’t give up, you still have a chance.
Giving up is the greatest failure.”

On fighting eBay’s efforts to enter China:
“EBay may be a shark in the ocean, but I am a crocodile in the Yangtze River.
If we fight in the ocean, we lose.
But if we fight in the river, we win.”

Management Priorities:
“Customer first.
Employees second.
Shareholders third.”

Distraction of rivals:
“Do not focus on your competitors.
Focus on your customers.”

“We’re never in lack of money.
We lack people with dreams who can die for those dreams.”

On China’s internet controls and Western companies involvement:
“Facebook and these companies, if they come here they have to follow the rules and laws.
Google, they left – we did not kick them out.
When you do business in any country you have to follow the rules and laws.”

On philanthropic strategy:
“To do philanthropy well, you need to use commercial means, while bearing a philanthropic heart; don’t use philanthropic means and bear a commercial heart.”

Jack Ma Yun (Chinese: 马云) is a Chinese business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is the co-founder and executive chairman of the Alibaba Group, a multinational technology conglomerate. As of August 2018, he is one of China's richest men with a net worth of US$38.6 billion, as well as one of the wealthiest people in the world. On 10 September 2018 he announced that he will step down as executive chairman of Alibaba Group Holding in the coming year.


How Xiaomi became India's top Smartphone Maker - Manu Jain interview

An year back I wrote a post about how Xiaomi became India's top Smartphone Maker (click here to read it..)

In the following post, I attach the interview of Manu Jain (India Head, Xiaomi) who talks about this and many more business strategies that he has applied to take Xiaomi to the top slot in Indian market.

Economic Times

Google’s AI NLG technology “Smart Compose” will not suggest gender-based pronouns

Google in May introduced a feature for Gmail that automatically completes sentences for users as they type.

Tap out “I love” and Gmail might propose “you” or “it.”

But users are out of luck if the object of their affection is “him” or “her.”

Google’s “Smart Compose” technology will not suggest gender-based pronouns because the risk is too high that it might predict someone’s sex or gender identity incorrectly and offend users. Google's team discovered this problem in Jan when a person typed “I am meeting an investor next week,” and Google suggested a possible follow-up question: “Do you want to meet him?” instead of “her.” Consumers have become accustomed to embarrassing gaffes from autocorrect on smartphones but Google's team refuses to take chances at a time when gender issues are reshaping politics and society, and critics are scrutinizing potential biases in artificial intelligence like never before. “Not all ‘screw ups’ are equal,” Google's team said. Gender is a “a big, big thing” to get wrong.

What is Smart Compose?
Smart Compose is an example of what AI developers call natural language generation (NLG), in which computers learn to write sentences by studying patterns and relationships between words in literature, emails and web pages. A system shown billions of human sentences becomes adept at completing common phrases.

Gmail has 1.5 billion users, and Smart Compose assists on 11% of messages worldwide sent from Gmail.

Why did the gender bias in Smart Compose even occur?
Men have long dominated fields such as finance and science, for example, so the technology would conclude from the data that an investor or engineer is “he” or “him.” The issue trips up nearly every major tech company.


How should a Product Manager start his Day

Product Management discipline gives tremendous powers to a Product Manager.

But as we all know, it is a well-known fact that:

With Great Power comes Great Responsibilities!
- Marvel Universe

So, to ensure that these great responsibilities are met, a PM should discipline his daily routine.

As part of this discipline, a PM should ideally daily start his day with studying & understanding these 3 things:

1. Numbers:

  • See your internal dashboards for product analytics
  • Point out any sudden spikes (upwards or downwards)

2. Customers:

  • Analyze customer feedbacks (complaints or queries or feedbacks)
  • Read what customers are saying about your products on social media
  • Speak to few customers and take their feedbacks (at-least once a week)
  • Meet a few customers and do user research for existing products or futuristic ideas (at-least once a fortnight)

3. Market:

  • Read what's new is happening in the tech world - technologies & innovations
  • Read what your competitors are doing
  • Read what news-media is saying about your products and your company
  • Read what changes are predicted in your product-domain
  • Read what state's & nation's government is doing; or is planning to do; in your product-domain

what on earth is Growth Hacking and why is it so important for internet companies

A growth hacker is a person whose true north is growth.
– Sean Ellis
(Founder/CEO of Qualaroo and ordained Godfather of Growth Hacking,)

Isn't a GH a Marketer?
Isn't a GH a Product guy?

A Growth hacker is a hybrid of Marketer, Product Manager, IT/CS Engineer, and an Analytics guy who based on data and endless tests, uses different marketing and product approaches to grow his business rapidly.

Unlike a Marketer who comes in the product show around the time when the product is launch-ready, the Growth guy on-boards the product journey as soon as it starts to get ideated - Growth Hacker focuses on understanding users and how they will discover, adopt, and engage with the product, and then builds features accordingly. If a startup is pre-product/market fit, growth hackers can make sure virality is embedded at the core of a product. After product/market fit, they can help run up the score on what’s already working.

Before the Growth Hack era, the discipline of marketing relied on the only communication channels that could reach 10s of millions of people – newspaper, TV, conferences, and channels like retail stores. To talk to these communication channels, you used people – advertising agencies, PR, keynote speeches, and business development. Today, when the traditional communication channels are fragmented and passe, the fastest way to spread your product is by distributing it on a platform using APIs (Business development is now API-centric, not people-centric).

Whereas the web in 1995 consisted of a mere 16 million users on dialup, today over 2 billion people access the internet. Now it’s possible for new products to go from zero to 10s of Millions users in just a few years. New products with incredible traction emerge every week. These products, with millions of users, are built on top of new, open super-viral communication platforms; which give you direct access to a bigger market that allows you to grow at super-sonic speed; that in turn have hundreds of millions of users – Facebook and Apple and Google in particular.

Both Digital Marketing & Growth Hacking have 3 core principles: experimentation, creativity, & measurement. Both also share the same 3 core metrics: increased engagement, increased conversion, increased retention. 

The only difference between a Digital Marketer & a Growth Hacker  is that the former one can have broad goals like Brand-Awareness while the later one only has 1 specific goal of Growth. ” but answers it using A/B tests, landing pages, viral factor, email deliverability, and Open Graph - And on top of this, they use the fundamentals of direct marketing, with its emphasis on quantitative measurement, scenario modeling via spreadsheets, and a lot of database queries.

Following are few notable examples of growth hacking in the Product industry:

1. Hotmail‘s “Get Free Email” Signature Link
Hotmail added phrases like “Get Free Email with Hotmail” to the bottom of every email sent through their service. This was a move recommended by the company’s very first investor, and it wound up igniting word of mouth around the product at a time when email and the Internet were just gaining widespread commercial recognition.

2. YouTube‘s Embed Feature
One of the reasons why YouTube was able to spread around the web so quickly was its embed feature introduced in 2005, which has gone down as one of the most popular growth hacks of all time. This simple hack made it possible for users to embed any YouTube video onto any web page with a few clicks and a simple copy and paste of an automatically generated embed code.

3. Spotify‘s Facebook Integration
In 2011, Spotify pulled a landmark growth hack by partnering with Facebook to become the social megasite’s default music service. The company has since attracted more than 50 million users, more than 25 percent of whom are paying for the premium version of the service.

4. LinkedIn‘s Public Profile Feature
LinkedIn was able to become the most popular professional social networking site by using the concept of peer pressure and transparency to coerce users into inviting and interacting with their coworkers, former employers, and clients in order to have a more complete and convincing public profile.

5. Dropbox Gives Extra Storage for Referrals
After determining that paid advertising was costing more than the value of each new customer, Dropbox hacked growth by offering 500MB of free storage for every referral. As a result, the company went from having about 100,000 users to having more than 4 million in about 15 months.

6. Facebook‘s Initial Exclusivity
While Facebook has been the platform of choice for many growth hackers, it is worth noting that the social site used a few nifty tricks of its own to get ahead in the beginning, including starting out as a closed network that was only available to college students. This perceived exclusivity helped to generate a sizable following of students that desperately yearned to be “part of the club.”

7. Airbnb‘s Post to Craigslist Feature

In a brilliant move, Airbnb made it possible for users to post their rentals directly to Craigslist from the Airbnb website with a “Post to Craigslist” feature.

Some common Hacks

The Content Skyscraper Method
Some growth hacks don’t involve coding at all and are instead based on adjustments in content strategy. The content skyscraper technique revolves around the principle that “most people don’t want to know about the second-tallest skyscraper, they’re only interested in the tallest.” With this technique, you find an incredible piece of content (a guide, tutorial, resource) in your niche and treat it as the “skyscraper” you’re trying to outdo. Then simply expound and improve upon it to make your new skyscraper even taller, thus ensuring that your content piece is positioned to become the most authoritative on that topic.

YouTube Video Ads
You’re about to watch a video on YouTube when suddenly an ad starts playing and it sidetracks you because, surprisingly, it’s just as interesting as the video you were about to watch. Next thing you know you’ve discovered a whole new product, event, YouTube channel, or brand. This is a common scenario on YouTube and it’s one of the keys to the site’s success as an advertising platform.

Remarketing with Facebook Ads
Facebook ads are already a great way to appeal to targeted audiences based on a wide range of criteria. One way to further fine-tune your campaign and improve conversion rate is to remarket your Facebook ads to users who have already visited your website. Taking this follow-up based approach ensures that you’re making the most out of all potential leads who have previously expressed interest in your ad content.

Offer Something for Free
People love free, which is why giving something away to new users is a quick and easy way to increase your fan base. Take a business like Hotmail for example. When Hotmail launched its browser-based email service in 1996, it leveraged a free account to entice its existing 20,000 users to sign up. The company used the tagline “Get Your Free Email at Hotmail” at the end of each existing user’s outgoing mail to help spread the word, and soon after the campaign, Hotmail’s user base climbed to an astronomical 1 million users in the first six months.

Set Up a Referral Program
There are a handful of companies that take advantage of a referral program to grow their business, and for one reason: it works! Businesses ranging in form and function from local yoga classes to the online storage startup Dropbox have used referral programs in the past, and to much success. When Dropbox was in its earliest days, for example, it offered upgraded storage amounts to each referral party pending their sign up with the service. Once both users signed up for Dropbox, they received an extra 500MB of storage, free of charge. Just by offering this, Dropbox’s user base went from 100,000 to over 4 million in just 15 months.

Go with Exclusivity
People always want to feel like they’re a part of something that’s special, which is why exclusive invitations or offers work extraordinarily well as growth hacking strategy. Look at Pinterest, for example. When Pinterest was first getting started, it was invitation-only, but allowed users to request an invitation if they wanted to join. After requesting an invitation, Pinterest sent out an email to prospective users explaining that the waiting list was quite long, but that eventually, they would be accepted to join. This helped the budding social network generate buzz and made users feel like they needed to be a part of the brand. From August 2010 to October 2013, Pinterest grew from 100,00 users to over 70 million, proving that exclusivity is an incredibly effective way to drive growth.

Try Platform Hacking
Capitalizing on the success of another platform or business is a great way to grow your own. Try to find a way to work with other relevant platforms, businesses, products, or services. That’s one way that YouTube got so big, so quickly. In 2005, YouTube looked to “platform hack” MySpace and tap into their growing user base and gain more views and users for themselves and guess what; it worked. At the time, MySpace had 25 million unique users and was at the top of the social media totem pole, but sharing videos was a huge pain point, both for their users and their advertisers. So, YouTube set out to solve that problem by allowing MySpace to embed their videos without having to pay for the service. YouTube took on the costs of hosting in exchange for increased brand recognition and ended up winning out. Today, YouTube enjoys traffic from over one billion users and is without a doubt one of the largest, most successful startups of our time.

Growth hacking process in steps:
  1. Generating ideas (everything that can help to increase growth),
  2. Organizing (estimating potential impact and resources required),
  3. Testing (working in quick iterations, testing everything they can),
  4. Analyzing (comparing results to hypothesis and asking “why”),
  5. Optimizing (using learnings to correct processes),
  6. Repeat.
Andrew Chen - One of the best Growth guys in the Industry


Quora Partner Program recently launched 'QPP - Quora Partner Program'

Here is what it's all about (as per Quora's QPP's info page):

1 - Add questions
2 - Help them get good answers
3 - Get paid as questions and answers become useful to others

Good question pages are fundamental to making Quora a great place for writers and for anyone who wants to better understand the world. The Quora Partner Program helps ensure that the most interesting and useful questions will always exist on Quora.

The program compensates participants for adding questions many people in the world may have. Partners can earn money from advertisements served on content that they help to generate.

First, a participant will add new questions to Quora. Then, they'll help ensure that their questions generate good answers for the benefit of future visitors to Quora who come seeking answers to those same questions. The most successful participants will add questions that become popular because many people are also seeking answers to them, or because the answers they generate are especially helpful or interesting.

Here are some tips to have the most success:

  • When adding a question, make sure it has no grammatical errors and has the most accurate topics tagged
  • Request answers from the most qualified writers directly
  • Add questions that don't already exist on Quora
  • Add questions that many people in the world might have
  • Monitor your questions and their answers over time to continually improve them
Policies and Guidelines

The Quora Partner Program is set up to benefit the Quora community. Misusing any product or feature on Quora to improve your performance or harm others' experience is strictly forbidden. We've created policies and guidelines to give direction about what constitutes proper use of Quora as it relates to this program. Failure to comply with them may result in expulsion from the program.

Question Policy:
Write questions that are consistent with Quora's Acceptable Use Policy, including Quora's policies and guidelines for questions on Quora. Most notably:

  • Questions should abide by Quora's Be Nice, Be Respectful (BNBR) policy.
  • Questions should be clearly written.
  • Quora requires correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and capitalization to be used in questions. A question should consist of complete sentence(s) and end in a question mark.
  • Questions should be concise. As a general guideline, questions should generally be no longer than two sentences, and only one question should be asked at a time.

Add topics that are accurate and directly relevant for getting an expert answer to an open question (see: What are the policies and guidelines for selecting topics for a Quora question?).

Excluded Question Topics: 
For the Quora Partner Program, questions about Quora, the Quora Community, or Quora users (specific people who are not public figures) will be excluded.

Questions on Quora with substantially the same meaning get merged together as duplicates. If your question gets merged into another question, it is too similar to an existing question on Quora and will be excluded from the Quora Partner Program. Merging questions into a new question you've asked is also against policy (see: What's Quora's policy on merging questions?).

Secondary Accounts / Fraud: 
Having multiple accounts or coordinating votes or other forms of fraudulent engagement to benefit you or harm someone else is strictly forbidden (also see: Is sockpuppeting allowed on Quora? What happens to people who have multiple accounts?).

The inappropriate use of the reporting system in any way is not allowed. This includes targeting of other people or content; malicious reporting is a form of harassment, and is a violation of BNBR (see: What is Quora's "Be Nice, Be Respectful" policy?).


What are some tips on how to ask questions as a partner?
You can learn more on the Quora Partners Blog!

How much money can I make from the questions I ask?
There's no limit.

How and when will I be paid?

  • First, you need to connect a Stripe or Paypal account. If you are located in the U.S., you must use a Stripe account. If you are in a non-U.S., eligible country, you must use a Paypal account.
  • After you've done that, every month we'll total up the money you've earned and send it to you on the first Monday of the month.
  • Note that you have to have earned at least $10.00 to be paid.

How do I connect a Stripe or Paypal account?
Once you make $5.00, when you go to your partners dashboard, you'll be prompted to connect to Stripe or Paypal. Compensation for the Quora Partner Program will happen through Stripe or Paypal.

What do I do if I don't have a Stripe or Paypal account? Can you pay me a different way?
At this time, Stripe or Paypal is required for receiving payment.
If you are located in the U.S., you must use a Stripe account. If you are in a non-U.S., eligible country, you must use a Paypal account.

How can other people I know participate?
The program is invite-only at this time, but we intend to open it up to more people as time goes on.

How do you decide what to compensate for a question?
Questions are compensated based on the user engagement and advertising revenue they generate. After you ask a question, you will earn money on it for 1 year.

How do you decide what ads to show on what content?
Our ads will appear based on either the topic that the question is in or they will be targeted specifically to the user viewing the page based on their interests. Targeting users allows us to have questions and answers about everything in the world rather than just about specific topics that advertisers want to sell on.

Are all questions eligible to generate advertising revenue?
No; to best serve our advertisers, there are some categories of topics that we do not show ads on. Examples include adult content, content associated with violence, abuse, or terror, and other potentially controversial topics. You can read more about this here: What measures does Quora have in place to ensure brand safety for businesses?

What if I want to be taken out of the Quora Partner Program?
You may discontinue your participation in the Program at any time by notifying us in writing at

Where can I see how well my questions are doing?
Once you've agreed to the Quora Partner Program terms of service, you can check your Quora Partner Program dashboard by navigating to “Partner Program” under the “You” tab.

When do my earnings update on my dashboard?
Your dashboard should update by 10am Pacific Standard Time daily. It may update earlier, but will update by 10am PT at the latest.

Can I earn money from questions I ask anonymously?
No. We don't associate anonymous questions with your user account, so we can't compensate you for them as part of this program. For more information about anonymity on Quora, visit Quora's answer to How does anonymity on Quora work?

What do I do if I don't agree with a merge on one of my questions?
If you disagree with a merge, you should undo the merge by following the steps outlined here: How do I unmerge my question?. If you have more questions, you can email us at

What do I do if I don't agree with a Quora moderation decision on one of my questions?
If you disagree with a Quora moderation decision, you may appeal the decision through the typical Quora moderation appeals process. To appeal a decision, you can follow the steps here: Quora's answer to How do I appeal a Quora Moderation decision?

When do I need to have my Stripe or Paypal account set up to receive my first month's payout?
Questions will accrue money, but you will not receive payment until you connect your Stripe or
Paypal account. Once you connect your Stripe or Paypal account, and you have earned at least $10, you will be paid within 60 days.

Is there a limit to how many questions I can contribute to the Quora Partner Program?
There is no limit.

From which countries and in which languages can I participate in the Quora Partner Program?
You must live in a country where the Quora Partner Program is active; to view the current list, see this help center Q&A.

Who can I contact for additional information or other questions about the partner program?
Please email us at!


Happy to mention that I have been invited for the same :)