What to Utter & What NOT to Utter - Sacrosanct Mantras for all Product Managers

Below are some of the DOs & DONTs of a Product Management role, to be strictly followed in the tricky situations a Product Manager always finds itself into...


If asked about a topic that might not be relevant to product management. 

Never say-
That's none of my concern.
That is above/below my pay grade & so I don’t own that.

Instead say-
That is a great point that you brought up.
Let's discuss it.
If we find it to be product-relevant, I'll add it to the roadmap.

If asked about a topic that you're unaware of.

Never say-
I have no clue.

Instead say-
That is a great question!
I don't know that right now but I'll find out.

If there is an ask to build a feature that the competitor has built.

Never say-
We will build it because our competitors built it too.

Instead say-
Let’s quickly analyze this and learn what our competitor might be after with this new feature.
We will surely build it if it solves our customers' problems & gives business an edge.

If your idea/requirement is debated/questioned.

Never say-
Because I said so.

Instead say-
Let me explain what I’m thinking here.

If your design is criticized.

Never say-
Mine is the final design.

Instead say-
Let me explain my design and then we can debate on UX.

If there is an ask to build a feature that the tech build quickly.
If there is an ask to de-prioritize a feature that the tech will take a long time to build.

Never say-
I'll not/prioritize it as tech will take less/more time to build it.
We need to focus on eliminating technical debt.

Instead say-
Let’s prioritize it after considering both user-impact and tech-efforts.

If you want to bat for a feature that's experimental/risky & might take tech's time.

Never say-
We are boring tech company.
We need to innovate.

Instead say-
Let’s prioritize the most pressing items and balance them with building experimental features.

If your product/feature fails.

Never say-
The tech/ops failed
That was not my fault.

Instead say-
The product takes responsibility for this failure.
I've a few suggestions for the next steps.
That one is on me.
I should have come up with a better plan.
I apologize.

If a non-product team member suggests a feature.

Never say-
I own the product.
You can't suggest it.

Instead say-
Can you tell me more about how this feature lines up with our strategy?
Lets discuss your ideas &/or numbers.

If there is an ask to build a feature that some customer has specifically asked for.

Never say-
Come on! Customers are always complaining.
I'll build it because our customer asked for it.

Instead say-
I think the customer may have a good argument here. I need to thank her for bringing it up.

If you have to criticize a fellow PM's product/feature.

Never say-
It’s good enough.

Instead say-
This is not our best effort. I know we can do better than this.

IMDb finally changed it's home-page UI-design (episode 2 of 2)

IMDb (International Movie Database) is a database for almost every thing around movies and television. Having over 6M titles and 10M personalities in its database, it’s the go-to website for any kind of movie content. 

Almost since 2013, IMDb never did any major changes to its homepage design. But, finally in 2020 IMDb, changed its home-page UI to this:

Normal user version

Logged-in user version

A full page menu opens when when the user clicks on the 'Menu'

IMDb finally changed it's home-page UI-design (episode 1 of 2)

IMDb (International Movie Database) is a database for almost every thing around movies and television. Having over 6M titles and 10M personalities in its database, it’s the go-to website for any kind of movie content. 

In 1998,IMDb got bought by Amazon.

Almost since 2013, IMDb never did any major changes to its homepage design. Many designers have evaluated its design for UX flaws and had tried to create/propose their own redesign (you can find a lot on Dribbble, Behance, Medium, etc.) as experiment for IMDb.

In 2020 IMDb, finally changed its home-page UI, that we will review in our next post.

For now, for those, who miss the old design, here is a quick glimpse...

Home Page

User-profile page 
(This page remained unchanged till Feb 2020)

END of an era called Jabong

Feb 2020 - The poster-child of India's Fashion-Ecommerce Jabong has been shut down by its parent Flipkart.

Founded in 2012, Jabong accounted for 25% market share in India’s F&L e-commerce market in 2014 and was one of the most loved brands in India.

Run by an amazing team of highly-passionate & extremely-committed people, Jabong was industry-first in taking/launching multiple initiatives including "Next Door", "Same Day Delivery", "India Online Fashion Week", etc.

I was fortunate enough to be part of its glorious journey.
My heart cries to see it get shut.

Remembering all those visionary heads / leaders and all the awesome team members who built Jabong with their sweat & blood:

Business heads:
Heavent Malhotra, Praveen Sinha, Arun Chandra Mohan, Manu Kumar Jain, Mukul Bafana

Product / Tech / Design leaders:
Harsh Kundra, Ambrish Bajaj, Rajat Shikhar, Rohan Garg, Anish Nair, Parveen Verma, Gautam Malik, Anjani Bajpai

Category / Ops leaders:
Siddharth Nambiar, Rooh Ruksh Chatterji, Dharmender Dabral, Amit Singh, Amit Kumar, Prashanti Alagappa, Neerajh Vohraa, Kritidipta Lahkar, naveen garg, Puneet Gupta, Mayank Shivam, Rukaiya Rangwala, Vijay Ghadge, Rishi Patnaik, Gautam Pande, Mini sharma, Baldeep Singh, Vineet Baid, Saurabh Bansal

Click here to read more about Jabong's industry-first initiatives:









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