Brain-Teasers Puzzles Riddles (vol 7)

Assume you are sentenced to death.
You will be shown 3 rooms.
1st room is on fire.
In the 2nd room there are 100 commandos with loaded-guns ready to kill you.
3rd room has a lion who had not eaten anything for last 3 years.
Which room will you choose?

What is the color of the wall behind you ?

You are the opening batsman of a 1-day cricket-match.
match has standard international cricket rules.
It has 50 overs (300 balls).
How many maximum runs can you score?
Assume that there will be no "no-balls", no "wide-balls", no "extra-balls", no "over-throws".

You have 4 tablets.
2 for fever and 2 for cold.
All 4 have same size, shape, color.
You have to take 1 tablet for cold & 1 tablet for fever.

You have a 3 gallon and a 5 gallon jars.
You also have unlimited supply of tap-water.
Measure 4 gallons of water.

I ask you to jump from this office window right now.

A Bear is standing over a 5 meter high cliff and suddenly falls down.
It lands on the ground right after 1 second.
What is the color of the bear?

You have 2 ropes and a lighter.
This is the only equipment you can use.
The ropes have the following properties: if you light one end of the rope, it will take exactly 1 hour to burn all the way to the other end. But it doesn't have to burn at a uniform rate. In other words, half the rope may burn in the first 5 minutes, and then the other half would take 55 minutes. The rate at which the 2 ropes burn is not necessarily the same, so the 2nd rope will also take 1 hour to burn from one end to the other, but may do it at some varying rate, which is not necessarily the same as the one for the first rope.
Measure 45 minutes.

Why are manhole covers round?

I & you play the following game.
We have a perfectly round table.
We have perfectly round unlimited number of coins.
We take turns placing these coins on the table.
Last person to put down a coin wins.
All coins must be completely on the table.
No putting 1 coin atop another.
I offer you a choice to decide whether to play first or let me play first.
How will you win?

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