2020 - Tech & Product - expected trends

5G Network
One of the most enigmatic new upcoming technology that businesses will need to adopt is the advent of 5G.

But to take this speed to everyday mobile users, mobile network carriers will need to increase bandwidth and reduce network costs. Moreover, LTE adoption isn’t waning and is estimated to reach $672 billion by the end of 2020.

Autonomous Driving
Elon states, “We’ll have over a million Robo-taxis on the road.” Functions like automated braking, lane-changing, and automation of the other in-car systems are on its way to being streamlined with the guidance of data capture and analytics.

However, Gartner analyst Mike Ramsey says "The idea is just not plausible at this point. There is still time for the modulation of the laws for autonomous driving by legislators, regulators, and authorities. Over that, significant tweaks will be required in the existing infrastructure, laws and social attitudes before we can embrace autonomous vehicles in the current technology trends."

Edge Computing
Today, industries are focusing more on the efficiency and the response rate of computing, through which, data analysis is made - And here comes the role of edge computing which brings data storage and computation closer to the target, and hence, ameliorates the response times and save bandwidth. 

As of now, edge computing is being fueled by the rapid evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) and in the future, it will create an unstructured architecture over a set of distributed cloud services. For instance, we have got drones that directly communicate with the enterprise IoT platform and conduct peer-to-peer exchanges. There is every increasing rise in the use of storage, sensor, computer, and advanced AI capabilities. One such example is the latest package delivery drone by Amazon.

Democratization of Technology
It means the easy access of technical domain to everyone, irrespective of their profession and place. A good example would be of a developer, who will be able to generate data models without learning the skills of a data scientist.

However, there is still concern about the future use of this latest trend in information technology because it will also enable people to exploit easy-to-use tools, which may pose harm to society.

Human Augmentation
It is the process by which a person’s physical and cognitive ability is strengthened. Once implanted in a human being, it will enable the person to execute tasks that were earlier impossible for him. For instance, miners use wearables to enhance their safety. The augmentation humans will not only enhance the physical endurance of a person but also, it will enhance the human’s ability to think and decide better.

Human augmentation in soldiers are running silently by the armed forces of many countries, as per reports.

Distributed Cloud
The trends of cloud storage and cloud computing are already embraced by the industries across the globe and the next big thing that is going to hit the tech ecosystem is the distributed cloud system.

Distributed Cloud is still in its infancy and there is a long way to go. Many companies are up with their service subsets to be used in a distributed way. It helps in connecting the public cloud distributed operation of cloud services to specific locations.

It’s expected that by 2020, 75% of the enterprise-generated data will be processed regardless of the centralized data center. This upcoming technology of 2020 will be a significant breakthrough in the cloud infrastructure.

Distributed ledger technology (such as blockchain), Artificial intelligence (AI), Extended reality (including virtual and augmented reality), and Quantum computing, abbreviated to DARQ form one such future technology trend of 2020 that business must integrate on priority. So, when you approach hiring, training, and employee retention, keep DARQ in mind.

Volkswagen, for instance, is already cashing in one of the biggest technology trends of 2020. It used quantum computing to test traffic flow optimization and accelerate battery development.

The company is also testing distributed ledgers to provide automatic payments at gas stations, create tamper-proof odometers, protect cars from hackers and more. Similarly, it’s using AR instructions to help service employees repair vehicles.

Personal Profiling
Digital integration into people’s lives has become so deep that data analytics has more information than they could ever analyze with current technology. As consumer analytics becomes a crude priority of every business, the latest tech trend is profiling consumers by examining how they interact with the technology in hand.

To analyze the gateways to profiling user spending patterns, we need to answer questions like:

What social media apps do they most visit?
How do they curate their social profiles?
What pictures do they post?
What all places they check into on social media?
The trick here for businesses is to integrate and adapt to an individual’s preference for the latest technology. Gillette is one such example that’s partnering with 3D printing startup Formlabs to offer customized razor designs.

A top technology trend like this raises one glaring question – where is consumer consent in this personal profiling and where do we draw the socially acceptable line and how will this line differ from consumer to consumer?

Well, for that, we have to wait and watch the manner in which personal profiling is done in the future.

Artificial technology or AI is not a new term in the IT sphere, but now there are further verticals of AI that is shaping the industries globally.

AI technology trends, including products like AlterEgo, a mind-reading wearable, and citizen robots like Sophia, are only a promo to how big AI technology will get in 2020. Companies like Dominos and Doordash are already experimenting with drones and robot delivery.

Although at present, these latest emerging technologies are still riddled with glitches threatening human safety, but looking at their enormous prospects, it is bound to become a technology trend in 2020.

Data Policing
Ever since the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) tightened the bolts on privacy and data protection laws, businesses and consumers alike have become more aware of their vulnerability to data breach and cyber-attacks.

According to Gartner, by 2020, nearly 70% of organizations will be exposed to personal data archiving. That’s a 60% growth since 2018 when the number was at 10%.

In fact, emerging technology trends like cryptocurrency will be one of those upcoming technologies that are yet to be compliant with privacy laws. An insertion of personal data into public blockchains can be a major worry for 75% of public blockchains by 2020. As a result, an entire ecosystem, based on data-driven technologies, that is constantly growing in its interconnections is a key tech trends that businesses can benefit from by forging early-on partnerships.

Momentary Markets
Real-time opportunity to capture "momentary markets" will change the face of customer analytics and advertising in ways hard to imagine. As digital realities get more sophisticated and narrowed down to an exclusive reality of each moment, global technology trends will align towards more customized and on-demand experiences to fulfill customer needs.

To do this, businesses will need to combine real-time analytics capabilities with sophisticated back-end systems to capture constantly altering customer needs. Pairing this with constantly updating digital demographics will open new alleys for businesses to discover unmet customer needs.

Automation is aimed to augment people and propel the automation process. It combines packaged software, machine learning, and automation tools to deliver the results. In the next couple of years, automation of data science will empower scientists to churn out advanced analysis.

Automation has already had us welcome cashier-less AMAZON Go stores across the US, but according to CNBC, the number will be 3,000 of its cashier-less AMAZON GO stores by 2021. For example, businesses in retail will need such sophisticated automation to compete with cashier-less AMAZON GO stores.

According to a PWC report, automation will go through three waves of automation:

Algorithmic displacing around 3% to 30% of jobs from the early 2020s to mid-2020s.
Augmentation increasing these percentages higher as technology improves itself.
Autonomy wave that is predicted to surface in the mid-2030s.

Reskilling Human Workforce
Workforce needs to be trained in AR, VR, IoT, Blockchain, AI.

The present human workforce is dealing with a disruptive digital transformation where cloud, analytics, and digital wave may still stand essential for groundwork but are no longer the crown jewels of “disruptive technologies.” Yet they are still recruited, trained, and assessed in pre-digital ways.

3D printing will open a new business of advanced prosthetics (3D printing bionic body parts). Tele-medicine and virtual diagnosis powered by AI and AR will need businesses to rework their business model in medicine.

Scientists at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, for instance, have 3D printed a "bionic ear" that can "hear" radio frequencies far beyond the range of normal human capability.

Facebook’s cryptocurrency project Libra is expected to be completely fleshed out and in sync with government regulations by 2020. 

It’s no coincidence that banks like Bank of America are gathering blockchain patents.

In agriculture, companies that offer products using computer vision, AI, and big data stand out. In 2020, it will become common to monitor crop growth by computer vision Ceres Imaging (U.S.), Taranis (Israel), Farmwise (U.S.).

Robots, such as those by Abundant Robotics, that harvest plants and fruits will become more common. The technology for improving crop growth efficiency will also be enhanced by indoor farming companies, such as Bowery Farming (U.S.), funded by GV.


Youtube launched for Toddlers & Kids & young Children - Chapter 2 of 2 - Business story

Youtube has recently asked all the creators to designate their channels as being either not child their channel is "made for kids".

This is what Youtube is officially asking the creators to do, and what changes they will start to see on their kids-related content:

Why all this hu-ha?

This story begins back in September 2019, when YouTube reached a $170 million settlement with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) over its practices involving children.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) enacted in 1998 and in effect since 2000, places rules on when and how websites and services can collect personally identifiable information about children under the age of 13.

YouTube, theoretically, has always been subject to the law but, according to the FTC, was not in compliance. They claim that YouTube, and its parent company Google, collected information on minors in a bid to show them more targeted advertising. This was despite the fact that portions of its site were clearly directed at kids.

In addition to the monetary settlement, YouTube was forced to “develop, implement, and maintain a system that permits channel owners to identify their child-directed content on the YouTube platform so that YouTube can ensure it is complying with COPPA.” That system is what is being implemented now and it requires creators to designate their channels as being either not child their channel is “made for kids”. According to the settlement, if a creator fails to comply with this rule, the liability can be as high as $42,000 per mislabeled video.


Youtube launched for Toddlers & Kids & young Children - Chapter 1 of 2 - YoutubeKids.com

Youtube has launched a separate service especially for the Toddlers & Kids & young Children - It is called "YoutubeKids.com".

Following is it's User-journey (click on images for viewing their larger versions):

# Page loads an animated version of Youtube's icon (slide 1,2)
# Users get to choose whether they are a parent or kid (slide 3)
# Parents are shown the "Welcome screen" (slide 4)
# Parents are asked to verify by mentioning their age, which Youtube claims to not store (slide 5)
# Parents are shown a video in which basic features are explained - This video can't be skipped or skimmed (slide 5)

# Once the video gets played, the 'Next' button on the page gets activated (slide 1)
# Parents can now sign-in into their accounts - This step is skippable (slide 2)
# Parents are shown a 'Notice' that they need to agree to (slide 3) - See the complete text of the Notice in Slide 4 
# Parents are now supposed to choose their kids' age-group - "Pre-School", "Younger", "Older" (slide 5)
# Parents are shown a glimpse of the content that Youtube would be allocating for age-group (slide 6)

# A glimpse of the content that Youtube would be allocating for the 3 age-groups (slide 1, 2, 3)

# Parents get option to switch off the 'Search' (slide 1)
# Parents are shown a slider in which key features are explained (slide 2, 3, 4)
# Landing page loads - 2 animated characters are shown (slide 5)
# Landing page is shown after the content is ready to be shown (slide 6)

# Landing page has various tab - Shows, Music, Explore, Learning (slide 1, 2, 3, 4)
# Another tab called 'Recommended' (slide 6) automatically gets added to the Landing page once you've watched a video (slide 5)

# Profile Page shows the history of the watched videos

# On clikcing the 'Lock' icon present on the top-right, the Prenets can access their 'Parent Settings' page. Upon clicking the same, Youtube asks the Parents to enter a captcha to verify their identity.

# The 'Parent Setting' page