What to Utter & What NOT to Utter - Sacrosanct Mantras for all Product Managers

Below are some of the DOs & DONTs of a Product Management role, to be strictly followed in the tricky situations a Product Manager always finds itself into...


If asked about a topic that might not be relevant to product management. 

Never say-
That's none of my concern.
That is above/below my pay grade & so I don’t own that.

Instead say-
That is a great point that you brought up.
Let's discuss it.
If we find it to be product-relevant, I'll add it to the roadmap.

If asked about a topic that you're unaware of.

Never say-
I have no clue.

Instead say-
That is a great question!
I don't know that right now but I'll find out.

If there is an ask to build a feature that the competitor has built.

Never say-
We will build it because our competitors built it too.

Instead say-
Let’s quickly analyze this and learn what our competitor might be after with this new feature.
We will surely build it if it solves our customers' problems & gives business an edge.

If your idea/requirement is debated/questioned.

Never say-
Because I said so.

Instead say-
Let me explain what I’m thinking here.

If your design is criticized.

Never say-
Mine is the final design.

Instead say-
Let me explain my design and then we can debate on UX.

If there is an ask to build a feature that the tech build quickly.
If there is an ask to de-prioritize a feature that the tech will take a long time to build.

Never say-
I'll not/prioritize it as tech will take less/more time to build it.
We need to focus on eliminating technical debt.

Instead say-
Let’s prioritize it after considering both user-impact and tech-efforts.

If you want to bat for a feature that's experimental/risky & might take tech's time.

Never say-
We are boring tech company.
We need to innovate.

Instead say-
Let’s prioritize the most pressing items and balance them with building experimental features.

If your product/feature fails.

Never say-
The tech/ops failed
That was not my fault.

Instead say-
The product takes responsibility for this failure.
I've a few suggestions for the next steps.
That one is on me.
I should have come up with a better plan.
I apologize.

If a non-product team member suggests a feature.

Never say-
I own the product.
You can't suggest it.

Instead say-
Can you tell me more about how this feature lines up with our strategy?
Lets discuss your ideas &/or numbers.

If there is an ask to build a feature that some customer has specifically asked for.

Never say-
Come on! Customers are always complaining.
I'll build it because our customer asked for it.

Instead say-
I think the customer may have a good argument here. I need to thank her for bringing it up.

If you have to criticize a fellow PM's product/feature.

Never say-
It’s good enough.

Instead say-
This is not our best effort. I know we can do better than this.

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