Quora Partner Program

Quora.com recently launched 'QPP - Quora Partner Program'

Here is what it's all about (as per Quora's QPP's info page):

1 - Add questions
2 - Help them get good answers
3 - Get paid as questions and answers become useful to others

Good question pages are fundamental to making Quora a great place for writers and for anyone who wants to better understand the world. The Quora Partner Program helps ensure that the most interesting and useful questions will always exist on Quora.

The program compensates participants for adding questions many people in the world may have. Partners can earn money from advertisements served on content that they help to generate.

First, a participant will add new questions to Quora. Then, they'll help ensure that their questions generate good answers for the benefit of future visitors to Quora who come seeking answers to those same questions. The most successful participants will add questions that become popular because many people are also seeking answers to them, or because the answers they generate are especially helpful or interesting.

Here are some tips to have the most success:

  • When adding a question, make sure it has no grammatical errors and has the most accurate topics tagged
  • Request answers from the most qualified writers directly
  • Add questions that don't already exist on Quora
  • Add questions that many people in the world might have
  • Monitor your questions and their answers over time to continually improve them
Policies and Guidelines

The Quora Partner Program is set up to benefit the Quora community. Misusing any product or feature on Quora to improve your performance or harm others' experience is strictly forbidden. We've created policies and guidelines to give direction about what constitutes proper use of Quora as it relates to this program. Failure to comply with them may result in expulsion from the program.

Question Policy:
Write questions that are consistent with Quora's Acceptable Use Policy, including Quora's policies and guidelines for questions on Quora. Most notably:

  • Questions should abide by Quora's Be Nice, Be Respectful (BNBR) policy.
  • Questions should be clearly written.
  • Quora requires correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and capitalization to be used in questions. A question should consist of complete sentence(s) and end in a question mark.
  • Questions should be concise. As a general guideline, questions should generally be no longer than two sentences, and only one question should be asked at a time.

Add topics that are accurate and directly relevant for getting an expert answer to an open question (see: What are the policies and guidelines for selecting topics for a Quora question?).

Excluded Question Topics: 
For the Quora Partner Program, questions about Quora, the Quora Community, or Quora users (specific people who are not public figures) will be excluded.

Questions on Quora with substantially the same meaning get merged together as duplicates. If your question gets merged into another question, it is too similar to an existing question on Quora and will be excluded from the Quora Partner Program. Merging questions into a new question you've asked is also against policy (see: What's Quora's policy on merging questions?).

Secondary Accounts / Fraud: 
Having multiple accounts or coordinating votes or other forms of fraudulent engagement to benefit you or harm someone else is strictly forbidden (also see: Is sockpuppeting allowed on Quora? What happens to people who have multiple accounts?).

The inappropriate use of the reporting system in any way is not allowed. This includes targeting of other people or content; malicious reporting is a form of harassment, and is a violation of BNBR (see: What is Quora's "Be Nice, Be Respectful" policy?).


What are some tips on how to ask questions as a partner?
You can learn more on the Quora Partners Blog!

How much money can I make from the questions I ask?
There's no limit.

How and when will I be paid?

  • First, you need to connect a Stripe or Paypal account. If you are located in the U.S., you must use a Stripe account. If you are in a non-U.S., eligible country, you must use a Paypal account.
  • After you've done that, every month we'll total up the money you've earned and send it to you on the first Monday of the month.
  • Note that you have to have earned at least $10.00 to be paid.

How do I connect a Stripe or Paypal account?
Once you make $5.00, when you go to your partners dashboard, you'll be prompted to connect to Stripe or Paypal. Compensation for the Quora Partner Program will happen through Stripe or Paypal.

What do I do if I don't have a Stripe or Paypal account? Can you pay me a different way?
At this time, Stripe or Paypal is required for receiving payment.
If you are located in the U.S., you must use a Stripe account. If you are in a non-U.S., eligible country, you must use a Paypal account.

How can other people I know participate?
The program is invite-only at this time, but we intend to open it up to more people as time goes on.

How do you decide what to compensate for a question?
Questions are compensated based on the user engagement and advertising revenue they generate. After you ask a question, you will earn money on it for 1 year.

How do you decide what ads to show on what content?
Our ads will appear based on either the topic that the question is in or they will be targeted specifically to the user viewing the page based on their interests. Targeting users allows us to have questions and answers about everything in the world rather than just about specific topics that advertisers want to sell on.

Are all questions eligible to generate advertising revenue?
No; to best serve our advertisers, there are some categories of topics that we do not show ads on. Examples include adult content, content associated with violence, abuse, or terror, and other potentially controversial topics. You can read more about this here: What measures does Quora have in place to ensure brand safety for businesses?

What if I want to be taken out of the Quora Partner Program?
You may discontinue your participation in the Program at any time by notifying us in writing at partners@quora.com.

Where can I see how well my questions are doing?
Once you've agreed to the Quora Partner Program terms of service, you can check your Quora Partner Program dashboard by navigating to “Partner Program” under the “You” tab.

When do my earnings update on my dashboard?
Your dashboard should update by 10am Pacific Standard Time daily. It may update earlier, but will update by 10am PT at the latest.

Can I earn money from questions I ask anonymously?
No. We don't associate anonymous questions with your user account, so we can't compensate you for them as part of this program. For more information about anonymity on Quora, visit Quora's answer to How does anonymity on Quora work?

What do I do if I don't agree with a merge on one of my questions?
If you disagree with a merge, you should undo the merge by following the steps outlined here: How do I unmerge my question?. If you have more questions, you can email us at partners@quora.com.

What do I do if I don't agree with a Quora moderation decision on one of my questions?
If you disagree with a Quora moderation decision, you may appeal the decision through the typical Quora moderation appeals process. To appeal a decision, you can follow the steps here: Quora's answer to How do I appeal a Quora Moderation decision?

When do I need to have my Stripe or Paypal account set up to receive my first month's payout?
Questions will accrue money, but you will not receive payment until you connect your Stripe or
Paypal account. Once you connect your Stripe or Paypal account, and you have earned at least $10, you will be paid within 60 days.

Is there a limit to how many questions I can contribute to the Quora Partner Program?
There is no limit.

From which countries and in which languages can I participate in the Quora Partner Program?
You must live in a country where the Quora Partner Program is active; to view the current list, see this help center Q&A.

Who can I contact for additional information or other questions about the partner program?
Please email us at partners@quora.com!


Happy to mention that I have been invited for the same :)

1 comment:

  1. Here is my review of the Quora Partner Program
